Thursday, February 25, 2010

Heartburn, Backache, Exhaustion, Heart Racing, Dizziness All Mothers: Are These Early Pregnancy Symptoms???? Need ANSWERS

All Mothers: Are these early pregnancy symptoms???? Need ANSWERS - heartburn, backache, exhaustion, heart racing, dizziness

* How do I get cramps for more than one months
* A section with sensitivity at the sides and lower abdomen
* Fuller, firmer breasts, severe
* Chest pain that began in the armpit?
* Muscle cramps in legs at random times
* Bleeding Implantaion
* Back pain, headache, abdominal pain, pain in the body ... Pain around lol
* And, of course, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, mood swings, hot flashes, dizziness, heartburn, frequent urination, and other "typical" symptoms

My time is very irregular, I PCOS.But if I were 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. I have over 10 events, because 4 of them said pos. 2 hours later, she said, and since then said neg neg (who was 3 weeks ago!) If I have an abortion, why did I ever yn symptomsnever had bleeding? Still havent got my period, I think I'll start at any moment. What are the causes of 4 Points of sale, then NEG, but still feel pregnant 3 weeks later? Is it possible that I be? Anyone else with similar experiences? I'm going crazy, I thought I was crazy, and it's all in my head. But I know that these physical signs that are not under control.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Brazilian Waxing For Men In San Francisco Brazilian Wax For Men In San Francisco? (a Manzilian)?

Brazilian wax for men in San Francisco? (a Manzilian)? - brazilian waxing for men in san francisco

I looked online but can not find anywhere where a Brazilian wax does for humans. Suggestions?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pictures Of French Pedicures Ladies....... Help!!!!!?

Ladies....... Help!!!!!? - pictures of french pedicures

What is a good kind of model for a pedicure?
Please send pictures !!!!!
If you do not have pictures, you try to describe the color and the pattern of the same
French "No"! PLEASE (Or at least the simple white French)

Monday, February 22, 2010

What Is The Hologram On The Indiana Drivers License To Backstreet Boys Fans Out There, What Are The Chances That Undone And Hologram Will Be Released On Next Lp?

To backstreet boys fans out there, what are the chances that undone and hologram will be released on next lp? - what is the hologram on the indiana drivers license

all I hear now is the demo on YouTube, do not know any of you that BOD holograms and melts in your next album

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sti Kidney Kidney Problems Or Fallopian?

Kidney problems or fallopian? - sti kidney

I am 15 years old. For more than a month I had a vaginal discharge that is greenish yellow. For several weeks I had some burning during urination and frequent urination. I am sexually active w / multiple partners, sometimes using condoms (yes, I know very stupid)

, Nausea, and now I have developed a very bad back pain in the lower right, so I thought I had a urinary tract infection and spread to the kidneys? But where is the download?

My mother has a book of symptoms in women. I watched in the vaginal secretion was, when a green-yellow, then asked, asked if he back pain and / or dizziness. If so, then it is likely that the infection of the fallopian tubes. I know that if you can use a STI in order to spread your other areas.

I am in the morning, Dr.It is not a gynecologist, but would wait to see me.
No idea what happened?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Rabbit Nic Condo Hi... Building Indoor Rabbit Habitat!?

Hi... building indoor rabbit habitat!? - rabbit nic condo

Well, I have 2 rabbits and I am preparing for the adoption of more of his cage / habitat and looked online and in stores, and 99% of them are wayyy little rabbits, unless six years, the weeks-old dwarf rabbit or something something. And all the other wayyy good spirits ... Leith Petworks as I wanted ... $ 400 plus $ 150!

Well anyway, I'm building a condominium of IAS for them ...
If you do not know what it is, heres some links:
(scroll down) ... ...

Well at least I have several levels, so that they have enough space to explore, and toexersose to some, so I thought 3.4 would Nice story.

So heres my question ... Levels, which I use, wood, cardboard, carpet over wood? So, what do you think is the best solution?

Thank you:)