Thursday, February 25, 2010

Heartburn, Backache, Exhaustion, Heart Racing, Dizziness All Mothers: Are These Early Pregnancy Symptoms???? Need ANSWERS

All Mothers: Are these early pregnancy symptoms???? Need ANSWERS - heartburn, backache, exhaustion, heart racing, dizziness

* How do I get cramps for more than one months
* A section with sensitivity at the sides and lower abdomen
* Fuller, firmer breasts, severe
* Chest pain that began in the armpit?
* Muscle cramps in legs at random times
* Bleeding Implantaion
* Back pain, headache, abdominal pain, pain in the body ... Pain around lol
* And, of course, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, mood swings, hot flashes, dizziness, heartburn, frequent urination, and other "typical" symptoms

My time is very irregular, I PCOS.But if I were 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. I have over 10 events, because 4 of them said pos. 2 hours later, she said, and since then said neg neg (who was 3 weeks ago!) If I have an abortion, why did I ever yn symptomsnever had bleeding? Still havent got my period, I think I'll start at any moment. What are the causes of 4 Points of sale, then NEG, but still feel pregnant 3 weeks later? Is it possible that I be? Anyone else with similar experiences? I'm going crazy, I thought I was crazy, and it's all in my head. But I know that these physical signs that are not under control.


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